Thursday, March 3, 2011

seller brain

Earth's getting older, increasingly bizarre world, according to meteorologists forecastand geochemistry in the year 2058 there will be a crisis of faith, human beings in this world is no longer trust their neighbors, with family, even with the forecasters did notbelieve in "saying no to all those crazy ! "that's one popular slogan in 2058, accordingto experts.

A Look at the truth of the news, an archaeologist who wished to remain anonymous,made a horrendous engine machine called an intruder. background of the creation ofthis machine is to find out the truth of divination experts.

 The following conversation between a prospective buyer and seller are recorded by the machine in the year 2058:

Seller: Brain-brain .... who does not have a brain ... .. please buy brains!
Buyer: Hi ... Seller! When it comes to that polite! selling what you would want to findproblems?! This place for thinkers ... that do not speak carelessly like that stupid!
Seller: sorry sir ... not that I want to mock, not that I want to trample the people here,but I was the seller of the brain, so I screamed like that, the seller brain screaming"meat" butcher his name later.
Buyer: O. .. salesman turned master brain. Now the brain can be bought?
Seller: Right, so You need not worry or anxiety if the hosts have children but do nothave a brain. Now I just call and I bought the same brain.
Buyer: Is this guy brain sells for food or for decoration?
Seller: The brain that can be eaten that chicken brain, the brain of cattle, sheep brain,human brain is useless to think.
Buyer: Wow ... what a coincidence, I have five children but no brains all, there were noschool exam to graduate.

Seller: Ouw .. it's easy, I provide the brains of all countries in the world, now you wantthe brain from which country, unlike other countries the price.
Buyer: Before I buy, can I ask first, so I was not disappointed before buying?
Seller: Allow fine, want to ask what? please.
Buyer: I want to ask the brain the cheapest and most expensive of any country?
Seller: The brain is the most expensive come from countries and brain Ondosocheapest at the same time there is a bonus, the brain derived from Omroko country.
Buyer: What The reason? price brain Ondoso country's most expensive, while thestate Omroko, even the cheapest can be a bonus, what the state of the brain have been unsuitable Omroko?
Seller: The reason is simple, the brain of the country Ondoso very cheap due to his brain from birth to death is never used, so it is still original to the present, while thecountry Omroko brain has been damaged by too often used, that's why

Buyer: Ha .. ha .. ha .. so people Ondoso never think, so his brain expensive, ha .. ha ..ha .. acceptable explanation host.
Seller: Currently hosts which want to buy a brain?
Buyer: I did not buy, I just ask, thank you the information.
Seller: O. ... brash, has been asked all kinds are not purchased.

OK, .. so funny story of us, hopefully you entertained, thanks.

Source of inspiration: CURANMOR (outpouring of feeling and humor)

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