Friday, April 8, 2011

Caricature painting

Cycling, that's the main concept, this caricature is a caricature of my latest new finish and I finished this morning, I took one day to complete, this caricature is made using a medium colored pencils, markers with a medium-sized drawing paper 30X40cm.  read more


cool and amazing complexity ha .. ha ... ha ..., should not I tell you the concept, because I already expressed through the language and visualization on topread more

Saturday, March 19, 2011

handmade caricature

This time I show two caricatures with different themes, for the first caricature is acartoon-themed wedding. In accordance with the order desired by the customers who want the concept of the bride and groom driving a car, end up with the concept of the customer though my back with my hand and the results are as shown in picture no. 1

no.1 cartoon themed wedding

while caricature no.2, subscribers have requested that martial arts-themed caricatures made​​, I happened to already know the customer, so I know that this customer of one of college martial arts (MP), so the caricature as an example image no. 2

Figure no.2, martial arts-themed cartoon

thanks to all subscribers, hopefully satisfied with the results of caricature that I make. ifyou also want to make handmade caricature, can contact me at Cp. +6285725951336

Thank you have visited on our blog. successful greetings


maybe you are not foreign to see this one caricature, right, this caricature is one of the characters from Disney films, the customer requested a TRON movie character figures, this caricature I created based on customer needs that other not my friend.This is the memories he was with his girlfriend when watching this film in theaters. I hope your relationship lasts. for visitors of this blog who want to order a caricature can be, please contact the Cp. +6285725951336

Thank you for your visit 
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Friday, March 11, 2011

Year 2012

Full-year mystery
The scientists predicted in 2012 when solar storms will occur that impact on climatechange. The earth's temperature will rise and climate change. Solar particlespenetrating the Earth's upper atmosphere will affect Earth's weather and climate. The impact caused the most extreme droughts.

In addition to the predictions of scientists, not least also predictive of a morehorrendous psychic again, here are the results of interviews journalists from the team's funny, check out thedialogue between journalists and the paranormal following:

Reporter: "Good afternoon Mr. Tuino, considering this year has stepped in 2011 and soon we will be headed in 2012 that scientists predicted would happen solar storms,my question is, how do you respond to it, considering you are a paranormal"
Paranormal: "Good afternoon, thank you earlier on that the fatherof reporters askingquestions. According to my mind's eye view ditahun 2012 was very frightening, notonly the solar storms that will threaten the earth, but also the earth would be darknessforever"
Reporter: "whether by the father of paranormal means ditahun 2012 the sun willexplode? well ... serious audience, and hold what is anticipated for the inhabitants of the earth paranormal?".
Paranormal: "You do not have to worry, from now on be frugal fuel, and the like.provide a lot of candles:
Reporter: "So the conclusion from next year onwards, human beings of the earth liveby candlelight?

Paranormal: "Yes ... very true"
Reporter: "Okay audience, according to ourinterview with paranormal Tuino recallpredictions in 2012. and for you viewers at home including myself here, from now onwe learn to save money on fuel and candles provide as much as possible, because inthe year 2012 according to forecasters Tuino sun will explode . Thank you.

Two Months after the interview turned out to be clairvoyant Tuino died, and thejournalist who first interviewed him back to load the news.
  I am here as a reporter announced that forecasters Tuino who two months agopredicted that by 2012 the sun will explode, he was dead. So my conclusion as ajournalist, that in 2012 the sun canceled due to the predicted burst has passed away.the sun just exploded view of Eye Paranormal Tuino because he already passed away and can no longer see this beloved world.

Thank you hopefully be entertained by this story.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Education illustration(1)

Photo Illustration

Photo Illustration

Photo Illustration

Photo Illustration

Photo Illustration

Picture this illustration I give to my classmates, I hope the task quickly finally finished,so does mine. hopefully the results are disappointing. thanks for your trust to me, maybe useful. as we see images of the illustration above is an image that teaches children to be disciplined, diligent, do not forget the Creator and obedience to parents. attitudelike that is what we must cultivate the children early on.

Thank you